Information for Parents / Guardians
About Arura
Arura 2024 is the summer camp organised by the charity Arura NI Trust. The emphasis is on fun and friendship, with the important dimension of learning more about the relevance of Jesus Christ in the lives of young people today.
Our programme is designed to help young people develop in four key areas: educational, physical, social and spiritual.
Programmes are planned to appeal to everyone and your child will be encouraged to participate in the full range of activities on offer.
Arura is an Australian Aboriginal word meaning ‘gathering at camp’.
Arura is coordinated by volunteers who come from a variety of churches and backgrounds.
Arura will be run by experienced leaders and support staff. There will be a high ratio of leaders to young people. The issue of safety has been taken seriously throughout the planning of Arura and will be of paramount importance during the week.
All activities are supervised. The supervision may be by our own volunteers, or by external activity providers and accompanied by our own leaders.
Arura has a safeguarding policy and all leaders and workers are subject to this. This policy is available on request from the Arura office, or online at www.arura.uk
All volunteers will have been subject to relevant criminal checks.
Photographs and video will be taken during Arura for personal and promotional use.
If you do not wish your child to be included in this material you must tick the box on the registration form to opt out, or notify the Arura office in writing by 30 June 2024.
We do not encourage children to bring mobile phones or other electronic devices (e.g. iPads, Kindles, etc.) to Arura due to the following reasons;
• They can be a distraction during activities;
• They can increase feelings of homesickness;
• Devices can be damaged or lost.
However, Arura recognises that mobile phones are an integral part of our lives, and so we have policy with a focus on fair usage and on keeping young people safe.
Yes to…
• Mobile phones & electronic devices may be permitted at night time if used appropriately and consideration given to other campers. Leaders will use their discretion depending on the age of the camper and how they are using it. Devices may be collected by a leader and stored securely until the morning.
• Taking photographs/videos of other campers or volunteers. We want you to have memories of Arura but you should always get the permission of someone that you photograph.
No to…
• Mobile phones & electronic devices should not be used during talk times or Quiet Times.
• There should be no Photographs / Video taken in bedrooms or changing rooms.
• Mobile phones & electronic devices should not be brought to off-site activities. If brought, phones will be collected by a leader, worker or activity provider at the start of the activity, and kept safely util the end of the activity.
• Mobile phones & electronic devices must not be used for sexting, distributing indecent images, voyeurism or for online bullying in accordance with our safeguarding policy.
Campers are encouraged to tell their group leader, Area Manager or other Arura volunteer if there is an issue or a problem rather than contacting Parents/Guardians on their phones first. This allows us to hear about problems and promptly address them.
If a camper misuses their mobile phone in regard to the above conditions, leaders have permission to ban their use and/or confiscate the phone for a period of time. Parents / Guardians may be notified if necessary.
Arura Trust N.I. will not be responsible, for any reason, for the loss or damage to mobile phones or electronic devices which includes, but not limited to: mobile phones, tablets, laptops, headphones, e-readers, and phone chargers.
The cost to attend Arura is £200.
There is a reduction of £20 per person where there is more than one person coming from the same household.
The cost for workers who choose to stay off-site is £100.
You can pay for this event by cash, cheque or bank transfer. Please make cheques payable to “Arura N.I. Trust”.
Please forward payment to your youth group leader, Arura contact or directly to the Arura office: Arura 2024, C/O Crescent Church, 6 University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NH.
You can also pay directly from your bank account via bank transfer using the following details.
Name: "Arura NI Trust"
A/C Number: 10274542
Sort Co.: 95-06-79
Please use the name of the Camper or Volunteer as the Reference for the payment so we know who it is for.
We want to make Arura as accessible to all children and young people including those from lower income families. We strive to keep the cost of our camps as low as possible yet in some cases this is still unachievable. If you are struggling to afford to pay some of or the entire cost please contact your local youth leader or the Arura office.
Yes! In previous years, we have been encouraged by generous gifts from those who wish to support Arura. We would welcome donations to enable a place for everyone who wants to attend Arura. Any donations from £5 to the whole cost of our camp will make a real difference!
Please use the following details for donations:
Name: "Arura NI Trust"
A/C Number: 10274542
Sort Co.: 95-06-79
Please contact the Arura office if you require a receipt.